filmy moody authentic

 Taylor Montanero

Not your Typical Wedding Photographer

I'm Taylor



Georgia based editorial & elopement photographer. untraditional, a little funky, always romantic. Whether we're in your grandma's run down wood paneled 70's kitchen or at the local trailer park, my goal is to keep it authentic, souful, with my own spin of elegance.

The value you get most from Taylor’s incredible work is quality, both in digital and film photography. I cannot believe how good my wedding photos came out, they’re so unbelievably good that I can’t believe it’s MY wedding. She captures MAGIC! Incredibly professional, supportive and diligent! Worked very fast and got me my wedding album in literally half the time. Taylor has such a unique and distinctive style that is so aesthetically complete that anything she shoots ends up fitting so seamlessly into her body of work. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

-Dani F.

Taylor is the most magical photographer ever. and this is coming from a high fashion model of 10 years and someone who has shot with her multiple times. she is the best in the business. not only does she excel in creative direction, but helps make your photos pop with posing. when you receive your photos, the biggest challenge is how do i post them all?? the editing is phenomenal and tailored to the exact mood you're going for. romantic? she kills it. moody? they come out insane. from editorial to playful, taylor does it all and does it flawlessly. you will never regret booking!

-Reilly G.

Jose and i (Angel) can not say enough good words about taylor! taylor is absolutely phenomenal at what she does. not only is sheone of the most creative photographers we've ever worked with, she also radiates light and kindness! which are important qualities to have when looking for a great photographer! we instantly clicked with taylor and felt welcome! she introduced us to fun, creative ideas we had never experienced before, and she just blew us away! her creative concepts and artistic eye are unlike anything we've ever seen before! we recommend taylor to anyone and everyone! especially if you are looking to get out of your comfort zone and try creative things!

-Angel and Jose 

Taylor Made me feel super comfortable! she had amazing feedback during the shoot. she really helped me with my confidence considering i had never done anything like this before. she would show me exactly how to pose which would help tremendously! im happy she was my first photoshoot!

-Ashley R.

04. love notes

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